Weeping Willow

Weeping Willow

1. Latin Name: Salix babylonica
2. Description:
Weeping willow, also known as Babylon willow, is a species of tree belonging to the Salicaceae family. Its origin is in Asia, but today it is grown in many regions. It is very popular in landscaping due to its characteristic features.
3. Physical Properties:
  • Leaves: The leaves are long, thin and lance-shaped, and their edges may be toothed. It is an evergreen tree whose leaves are usually bright green and shed in winter.
  • Trunk and branches: The trunk is generally gray-brown and smooth, and young branches may be yellowish. Branch tips are where clusters of clusters of flowers form.
  • Flowers: Weeping willow is notable for its clusters of clusters of flowers that appear in spring. The flowers are usually yellow in color.
  • Fruits: The tree has small capsule-shaped fruits. These fruits often contain seeds.
4. Cultivation and Care:
  • Soil: Weeping willow prefers well-drained soil.
  • Water: It needs a good water supply, but excessive watering should be avoided.
  • Light: It is a sun-loving plant, so it is recommended to grow it in places that receive full sun.
5. Areas of Use:
  • Landscaping: Weeping willow is often used in landscaping due to its visual appeal.
  • Soil Erosion Control: Its roots hold soil tightly, so it can be used for erosion control.
  • Waterside: Weeping willow can grow along waterside and prevent erosion in these areas.
Weeping willow is a preferred tree species in garden arrangements and landscaping applications due to its elegant appearance and fast growth feature.
  • 05324876563
  • info@peyzajhan.com.tr
  • Gaziantep Şahinbey

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