Automatic and Manual Irrigation Systems

Automatic and Manual Irrigation Systems
The irrigation system is of great importance for a professional application and the continuity of this application. Because thanks to regular irrigation, each area will be watered equally according to its needs and thus the plants will grow at an optimal level. In addition, the resistance of plants to fungal diseases will increase and the risk will be minimized.


Water usage efficiency is high. In places where irrigation water is scarce, maximum benefit can be made from this water. Irrigation can be done in areas with slopes and irregular topography without causing erosion. It eliminates the situation where the plant cannot rise above the soil due to the soil becoming clogged during seed germination. Savings in operating costs and labor It is the most suitable irrigation system for shallow and permeable soils with little soil depth. Since it is possible to provide controlled water with sprinkler irrigation; It is the most suitable irrigation method in places with high ground water and drainage problems. Since there is no need for field ditches, the cultivation area increases and agricultural enterprises are carried out easily. Soluble artificial fertilizers; It can be given to plants together with irrigation water without the need for labor. Vegetables, citrus vineyards and other fruit gardens can be protected from frost and heat.

Technological Developments

We offer this service to you in the light of modern developments, along with all our services.

Innovative Ideas

In the solutions we offer, you can see our innovative approaches in addition to our services.