Shadok Citron
This fruit, which surprises everyone who sees it for the first time as it grows on a tree despite its size and is known as "citron" due to its appearance resembling both citrus fruits and melon, takes its name from the tree with the same name. Citron, which has a very thick skin and can be compared to a giant lemon, can weigh between 1 kilo and 4.5 kilos.
The outer shell of the citron, which has a rougher and more indented structure just like that of a lemon, even more than a lemon, falls from the tree to the ground as soon as it ripens due to its weight. Citron is also known as şadok and polemo among the public.
Since the citron tree is a tree that bears fruit late, after planting a citron tree, it is necessary to wait at least 3 years to get its fruit.