Thanks to the favorable soil and climate of Anatolia, 11 different species of maple can be found. Maple trees, which are found especially in the humid lower parts of the Black Sea mountains and are part of the natural forests at the heights of the Mediterranean, can grow up to 35 m tall. The maple tree, which is considered a natural hybrid of the eastern plane tree and the western plane tree, is also called "London plane tree". The young shoots of this tree, whose trunk bark is shed in large plates, are densely brown hairy. Its leaves have 3-5 lobes; The color-rich maple is generally chosen in parks and gardens, perhaps because the leaves, which add different tones to the green texture in spring, can dispel the sadness of entering winter with their yellow, red and orange colors. The spherical fruit bodies of maples are mostly found in groups of two. Each fruit has a wing that allows them to fly and carry far, so the maple is also called the "butterfly tree" in some regions.