Santolina is an evergreen groundcover with a gray color and a height of 30-60 cm. The spreading width of the plant is up to 1 m. It gets its gray appearance from its small, whitish-gray, scented leaves that resemble those of coniferous plants. S. chamaecyparissus has a flowering period that starts in spring and extends until autumn.
Its flowers are bright yellow and 0.5 cm wide. When the small flowers come together, they appear to be up to 1-2 cm in size as a group. In places where the air temperature is very low, it may be exposed to frost damage and in winter it looks like an almost dead plant. If it is pruned from the bottom, it will recover and turn green again in the spring and take on a healthy appearance.
Santolina is a plant that grows and spreads very quickly. If openings and lifelessness are detected in old plants, these plants should be pruned and allowed to renew themselves.