Grevillea is an ornamental shrub that can grow up to two meters high. It can be used as a fence on the borders of gardens.
There are many species, hybrid / hybrid species and cultivars of the Grevillea genus in the Proteaceae family. Their homeland is Australia, New Guinea and surrounding areas.
It withstands winter cold down to -10C. It blooms after mid-winter or early spring, depending on the weather. Its flowering continues until summer. Depending on the climate, geography and sunlight it receives, its flowering may continue until autumn.
It has green leaves all year round. It makes a good hedge plant. It is one of the rare species that can be found by those who love both coniferous and flowering shrubs.
Grevillea Pink Pearl and sevilillea juniperina are similar types of sevilillea.
t likes acidic and neutral soils. Above neutral, alkaline (pH above 7.5) soils are not suitable for this plant. It should be planted in places that receive good sunlight. It also occurs in lightly shaded areas between trees. Since the risk of death from root rot is high in heavy clay soils, it should not be preferred in such places or should be planted on sloping ground.
Propagation: It can be propagated by seeds, but if you try to propagate hybrid species from seeds, a different species may emerge. I couldnt find any significant information about propagation with steel (you can try any steel method you like).
You can try the simple dipping method: start in April or May and wait until the end of August. At the end of August, remove it and see if it is rooted, you can separate it and plant it in a separate place.