The fig tree, commonly called Ficus carica, is a species of fruit tree belonging to the Moraceae family. Here is some basic information about the fig tree:
Physical Characteristics:
The fig tree is a medium-sized tree that can generally grow up to 3 to 10 meters tall. Its leaves are large, lobed and heart-shaped, and are generally dark green in color.
Fruit Characteristics:
The fruit of the fig tree is a jujube-shaped fruit with a soft and sweet content. There may be differences in color, size and taste between fruit varieties.
Growing Conditions:
The fig tree generally prefers warm climates and requires hot summers. It grows in well-drained soils and is resistant to salty soils. It is commonly found in the northern hemisphere, in regions with Mediterranean climates.
Maintenance Needs:
Fig tree care is generally easy. Regular watering, fertilizing and pruning when necessary are important for healthy growth and fruit productivity.