Star Bush Large
Star Bush Large

Pittosporum tobira is commonly known as Japanese Pittosporum and the variety nana refers to a small and compact variant. Here is information about Pittosporum tobira nana: Characteristics: Pittosporum tob...

Yıldız Çalısı Büyük
Yıldız Çalısı Büyük

Pittosporum tobira, yaygın olarak Japon Pittosporumu olarak bilinir ve 'nana' çeşidi, küçük ve kompakt bir varyantı ifade eder. İşte Pittosporum tobira 'nana' hakkında bilgi:Özellikler: Pittosporum t...

Star Bush Medium
Star Bush Medium

Pittosporum tobira is commonly known as Japanese Pittosporum and the variety nana refers to a small and compact variant. Here is information about Pittosporum tobira nana: Characteristics: Pittosporum tob...

Star Bush Small
Star Bush Small

Pittosporum tobira is commonly known as Japanese Pittosporum and the variety nana refers to a small and compact variant. Here is information about Pittosporum tobira nana: Characteristics: Pittosporum tob...